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Soils, Soil Amendments/Compost, and Soil-less Potting Media


Island's Finest, mySoil brand products supplied by Cinnabar Valley Farms in Nanaimo!

Reindeer's Products supplied by Reindeer's Natural Plant Products in Cowichan!


African Violet Soil- 5L

Indoor/Outdoor use. Sterilized. Contains humus soil, peat moss, coir, sand, and perlite. pH balanced and all essential nutrients included.

UPC: 057078510207

Cactus Soil- 5L

Ideal for all varieties of cactus and succulents. Contains humus soil, peat moss, coir, sand and perlitepH balanced and all essential nutrients included.

UPC: 057078510306

mySoil Organic Potting Mix-50L

Suitable for vegetables, herbs, and patio/container gardens.  Contains peat moss, pure coconut coir, premium aged organic compost, organic soil, natural zeolite, organic kelp, premium organic fertilizer, and perlite.

UPC: 057078205516

mySoil Container Mix-50L

Suitable for containers, hanging baskets, and planterboxes.  Contains natural coir, perlite, organic kelp, organic compost, natural zeolite, slow release plant food, peat soil, Canadian peat moss.

UPC: 057078205509

Organic Potting Soil-40L

Indoor/Outdoor use.  Can be used to boost organic matter and essential nutrient levels in soil. Ideal for vegetable gardens and nutrient source for fruit trees.  Contains organic peat soil, organic compost, peat, sand, perlite, gypsum, and certified organic fish fertilizer.

UPC: 057078006403

Planterbox Mix-30L

Suitable for hanging baskets, outdoor planters, seeds, seedlings, bulbs, and pots. Contains osmocote (feeds plants up to 9 months), humus soil (20% natural peat moss), mulch, sand, and perlite.  pH balanced and all essential nutrients included.

UPC: 057078003303


Potting Soil-15L and 28L

Suitable for indoor/outdoor use.  Contains humus soil, peat moss, coir, sand, and perlite.  pH balanced and all essential nutrients included.

15L UPC:  057078002153

Starter Mix-10L and 25L

Indoor/Outdoor use.  Humus soil (20% natural peat moss), Canadian sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and sand. pH balanced and all essential nutrients included.

10L UPC 057078036103

10L Price: 

25L UPC 057078530250

25L Price: 


Top Soil-30L

Suitable for lawns, flower & vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, and top dressing.  Contains peat loam, peat moss, sand, composted steer manure with mulch.

UPC:  057078005307

Tropical Plant Soil -5L

Suitable for all varieties of indoor tropical plants. Contains humus soil (20% natural peat moss), Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, perlite and sand. Sterilized. All essential nutrients included.  

UPC:  057078510405


Soil Amendments/



Chicken Manure-9kg 

Screened natural organic soil conditioner. Suitable for increasing organic content, water retention, and improving the structure of the soil. 

Minimum Analysis: 

NPK: 1.5-0.5-1.5 

Moisture 60%

Organic Matter (Minimum) - 40%

UPC: 057078037209


Organic Compost Mix -10kg

Suitable for an organic growing medium or soil amendment. For flower and vegetable gardens as well as for planting trees, shrubs and lawns. Provides plants with a stable organic supply of nutrients while improving water retention and breaking up heavy clay soils. Contains a composted blend of manure and forestry by-products, peat soil and other organic material.

Minimum Analysis: 

NPK: 0.8-0.4-0.5 

Moisture: 60% 

Organic Matter (Minimum): 30%



Mushroom Manure -10kg

Screened natural organic soil conditioner. Suitable for increasing organic content, water retention, and improving the structure of the soil. Can be added to existing flower or vegetable gardens, raised beds, planters and around trees and shrubs, or as a top dressing on lawns. 

Minimum Analysis: 

NPK: 1.0-0.5-1.0 

Moisture 60%

Organic Matter (Minimum) - 30%

UPC: 057078037209


myGarden Booster Mix-50L

Suitable for adding nutrients and premium soil to enhance existing vegetable and flower gardens.  Contains peat moss, pure coconut coir, premium aged organic compost, all natural "Earth Boost" (Made by Orgunique), natural zeolite, organic kelp and crushed dolomite lime.

UPC: 057078205523


Ocean Plus Earth -40L (Similar to Sea Soil) 

All natural and organic soil conditioner. Suitable for enhancing existing soil, increases nutrients and organic matter, improves aeration, drainage, and nutrient absorption. Contains organic fish compost, Canadian sphagnum peat moss, organic compost kelp and organic forest fibers.

UPC: 057078001408


Steer Manure -10kg

 Steer manure from local farms on Vancouver Island is mixed with fine fir bark and composted to achieve a versatile and all natural fertilizer. Heat generated by the composting process kills harmful plant and animal organisms, breaks up the Steer Manure to make it easier to handle, & reduces the smell. Ideal as a natural organic source of fertilizer in all types of gardens. Use in flower & vegetable gardens, around trees & shrubs, and as an organic top-dressing for lawns.

Minimum Analysis: 

NPK: 1.5-0.5-0.5 

Moisture 60%

Organic Matter (Minimum) - 30%

UPC: 057078017201

Nurturing Nature Worm Castings-30L

Suitable for enhancing existing soil for starting seeds, transplanting, hanging baskets, planterboxes, vegetable/flower gardens and lawns. Contains Worm Castings and zero bio-solids or additives. OMRI listed.

UPC: 689283100302


Reindeer's Natural Worm Castings

Suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants. 100% organic, produced from organic cow manure.

Minimum Analysis:

NPK: 2-3-3

UPC: 067864233661

Soil-less Potting Media


Brown Gold Composted Soil-less Potting Mix

Brown Gold is a pre-composted soil-less potting mix. Processed from Coco Peat, we have been using this for years with excellent results. It has all the nutrients that are needed for best plant growth.
Contains: kelp meal, alfalfa meal, neem meal, worm castings, rock phosphate, diatomaceous earth, organic aerobically composted chicken manure and perlite.

Brown Gold has enough food in it for at least 4 to 6 months of growing.  (Most Plants)

5L UPC: 

10L UPC: 067864233647

reindeer coco.jpg

Cactus Soil- 5L

Ideal for all varieties of cactus and succulents. Contains humus soil, peat moss, coir, sand and perlitepH balanced and all essential nutrients included.

UPC: 057078510306


Unwrapped Coco Peat Block -5kg

Fresh water washed and sun dried.  Renewable resource that saves peat bogs.  Suitable for flowering plants, vegetables, potted plants, and hanging baskets.

650g makes 4-6L ready to use mix

5kg makes 50-60L ready to use mix

myCoco Coco Coir-50L

Derived from 100% pure coconut husks, pre-expanded and ready to grow. Weed Free. Increases water retention. Promotes healthy root growth cycles. Suitable for flowering plants, vegetables, potted plants, and hanging baskets. 

UPC: 057078205530

Sphagnum Peat Moss 3.8 cu.ft.

Natural organic soil conditioner, aerates and loosens the soil with high water retention.  Suitable for turf and landscape, trees and shrubs, raised beds, mulch, garden soil amendment and potting mix component. Contains genuine Canadian sphagnum.

3.8 cu.ft UPC: 064277050441

Sunshine Growing Mixes #1,2,3,4,5, and 7


#1: General Purpose

#2: Basic (No added nutrients)

#3: Special fine seedling mix

#4: Aggregate plus

#5: Plug mix

#7: Gel plus

Organic Sunshine Mixes  

#1 Organic

#2 Organic


#3 Organic

#4 Organic

#5 Organic 

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