Cruelty Free Protein Sources
All Formulas Corn, Wheat, & Gluten Free
Grain Free & Grain Inclusive Formulas Available
Executive Vice President is a Veterinarian & Pet Nutritionist to Ensure Quality Formulations
Temporarily Out of Stock
3960 Borden Street, Victoria BC
250-479-2084 or 250-479-3414
(Quadra and McKenzie area, behind Saanich Centre)
Monday to Saturday: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
Sunday: Closed
Statutory Holidays and Boxing Day: Closed

Deluxe Walk-in Greenhouses on Sale!
$139.99 reg. $176.39
New! Hemp Bedding and Growing Products available now, refer to this product page for more information
Chicken Coops and Runs Now In Stock!
Rice Bran 50 lb 16.5% fat $39.99
Regular $47.75
While Supplies Last
Gardening Supplies
Pet Food/Supplies
Beekeeping Supplies
Soap/Candle Making
Hive wraps available now!
Our honey extractor is operational again and available for rental (call for details)!
Cheesemaking kits now in stock!

2025 Mason Bees, Summer Flowering Bulbs, Onion Sets, Shallots, and Multipliers now in stock!

National Acana Sale on now! Check out the Deals page for more information!
Grass, Clover, and
Cover Crop Seed
Grass Seed supplied by Terralink Hort. in Abbotsford! https://www.tlhort.com/c-57-turf-seed.aspx
Lawn Seed
All Purpose Grass Seed-
700g, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, & 22.7kg
The RichLawn All Purpose lawn seed mixture is for general home and landscape use with full sun to moderate shade. A general use mix that is hard wearing. It contains perennial ryegrass, creeping red fescue and kentucky bluegrass. High quality seed with proven germination. Seeding rate is 5-7 lbs /1000 ft2 (2-3 kg /100 m2).
Deluxe Grass Seed-
700g, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, & 22.7kg
Deluxe Grass Seed-The RichLawn Deluxe lawn seed mixture is for top-quality well-maintained lawn areas with full sun to moderate shade.
This mixture is of fine to medium texture and performs well at a low, medium, or high height of cut.
RichLawn Deluxe should be seeded at 5-7 pounds per 1,000 square feet, depending on seeding conditions and desired growth density.
General Pasture Mix-20 kg
General Pasture Forage Seed Mixture is designed for areas where high quality seed is required but improved varieties are not essential. This blend will do well in moist and irrigated soils. The combination of orchardgrass, ryegrass, fescue and timothy makes this blend adaptable to either silage or grazing situations.
Horse and Sheep Pasture Mix-20kg
Forage Seed Mixture is specially formulated for the Coastal and Interior areas for pasture for horse and sheep. It provides high feed value and tolerates close grazing. This blend can also be cut for hay.
Low Maintenance Grass Seed- 22.7kg
The RichLawn Low Maintenance lawn seed mixture is for areas requiring a low-growing drought tolerant mixture with low-maintenance requirements under full sun to moderate shade. The Low Maintenance blend is an excellent choice for alleyways and between rows of berry, orchard or vineyards. It contains perennial ryegrass, hard fescue and creeping red fescue. High quality seed with proven germination. Seeding rate is 5-7 lbs /1000 ft2 (2-3 kg /100 m2).
Overseeding (Complete Perennial Ryegrass Blend) Grass Seed- bulk bin, 700g, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, & 22.7kg
The RichLawn Overseeding mixture is a premium-quality turf blend which includes a top-rated perennial ryegrass variety, for general home & landscape use with full sun to moderate shade. This mixture is of fine to medium texture and performs well at a low, medium, or high height of cut.
RichLawn Overseeding should be seeded at 7-10 pounds per 1,000 square feet, depending on seeding conditions and desired growth density.
Sun and Shade Grass Seed- 700g, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, & 22.7kg
The RichLawn Sun & Shade lawn seed mixture is for fine-textured lawns with dense shade to full sun. This mixture is of fine to medium texture and performs well at a low, medium, or high height of cut.
RichLawn Sun & Shade should be seeded at 5-7 pounds per 1,000 square feet, depending on seeding conditions and desired growth density.
Clover Seed

Crimson Clover-bulk bin
Grows up to 24" high. A dark pink-reddish flowering clover that is an annual if turned under before it re-seeds.
Seeding rate: 500g per 1925 sq.ft.

Red Clover-bulk bin
Pink coloured flowering clover that is a perennial that grows around 8-10" high.
Seeding rate: 8g-10g 100sqft.

Micro Clover- packets, 1/2 lb and 1lb
Small leaf compared to traditional clover, dark green colour. Micro clover is low maintenance and feeds companion grasses with nitrogen and helps soil retain moisture during dry periods. Designed to pair with grass to make it more wear tolerant.
Seeding rate: 1lb per 1000 sq. ft.

White Clover-bulk bin
A perennial white flowering clover that grows around 8-10" high.
Seeding rate: 30-40g per 100 sq. ft.
Cover Crop Seed

Alfalfa Seed-bulk bin
Fixes nitrogen, helps with erosion once established, as well as soil compaction.
Seeding rate: 18g-20g/100sqft

Buckwheat Seeds-bulk bin
Germinates at a soil temperature of 7 degrees or higher. Emergence usually occurs 3 to 5 days after planting. Does not survive well in cold temperatures. Fastest growing cover crop.
Seeding Rate: 46.5 - 55.7 g per 100 sq. ft.

Fall Rye
Will germinate in cold temperatures – 1 to 2°C but vegetative growth requires 4°C.
Seeding rate: 1 g per sq. ft.

Fall Mix
Fall cover crop blend of Fall Rye, Winter Peas and Winter Vetch. Fall Rye is a soil builder, when planted in fall it germinates quickly and uses its extensive root system to loosen top soil and improve drainage. Fall Rye survives winter conditions to Zone 3, providing an early high feed value forage crop in the spring, and an excellent nurse crop for Legumes. Winter Peas germinate and grow best in cool, well drained conditions and require a supporting crop like Rye to stand. Winter Vetch is another winter hardy annual legume that helps improve soil tilth and helps suppress weeds. It is best sown with a nurse crop. Winter Peas and Winter Vetch fix their own nitrogen, adding up to 100lbs/acre each and add considerable biomass to soils.
Seeding rate: 114.5 g per 100 sq. ft.

Hairy Vetch-bulk bin
Winter Vetch is a winter hardy annual legume that helps improve soil tilth and helps suppress weeds. It is best sown with a nurse crop. Winter Vetch fixes nitrogen, and adds considerable biomass to soils.
Seeding rate: 15.6g-31.2g per 100 sq. ft.
(lower rate if drilled; higher when tilled in)

Maple Peas-bulk bin & 20 kg
Fixes nitrogen to the soil and the flowers attract bees. When turned under adds considerable biomass to the soil.
Seeding rate: 125 g per 100 sq. ft.

Winter Peas-bulk bin & 20 kg
Fixes nitrogen to the soil and the flowers attract bees. When turned under adds considerable biomass to the soil.
Seeding rate: 125 g per 100 sq. ft.