Cruelty Free Protein Sources
All Formulas Corn, Wheat, & Gluten Free
Grain Free & Grain Inclusive Formulas Available
Executive Vice President is a Veterinarian & Pet Nutritionist to Ensure Quality Formulations
Temporarily Out of Stock
3960 Borden Street, Victoria BC
250-479-2084 or 250-479-3414
(Quadra and McKenzie area, behind Saanich Centre)
Monday to Saturday: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
Sunday: Closed
Statutory Holidays and Boxing Day: Closed

Deluxe Walk-in Greenhouses on Sale!
$139.99 reg. $176.39
New! Hemp Bedding and Growing Products available now, refer to this product page for more information
Chicken Coops and Runs Now In Stock!
Rice Bran 50 lb 16.5% fat $39.99
Regular $47.75
While Supplies Last
Gardening Supplies
Pet Food/Supplies
Beekeeping Supplies
Soap/Candle Making
Hive wraps available now!
Our honey extractor is operational again and available for rental (call for details)!
Cheesemaking kits now in stock!

2025 Mason Bees, Summer Flowering Bulbs, Onion Sets, Shallots, and Multipliers now in stock!

National Acana Sale on now! Check out the Deals page for more information!

Honey Bee Supplies
Bee Brush
Bee Escape
Beekeeping Books
Beekeeping Suits
Boardman Entrance Feeder
Bottom Board with Entrance Reducer
Crop Gain Pollination Enhancement Spray
Division Board Feeder
Entrance Reducer
(10 Frame)
Escape Screen
Foundation - Plain
(Beeswax in Shallow, Medium, Deep)
Foundation Rods
Foundation - Wired
(Beeswax in Shallow, Medium, Deep)
Frame Grip
Frame Lifter/Scraper
Frame Rests
Frames set of 10
(Wood, 5 3/8" and 6 1/4" and 9 1/8")
(Individual - Top/Bottom Bars, End Bars)
Frame Spacers
Frame Wire
Hive Body and Super
(Fits 10 Frames and is Available in 5 5/8" and 6 5/8" and 9 5/8")
Hive Tool
(Metal, in 9 1/2" and 12")
Hive Wraps
Honey Bandit
Honey Extractor
(Available for Rental)
Honey Jars
Honey Labels
Inner Cover
Mouse Guard
(10 Frame)
(3/4" and 1 1/4" and 2 1/4")
Pollen Patties
Pollen Substitute
Pollen Trap
Pro Feeder with Cap and Ladder
(9 1/8" and 6 1/4")
Propolis Trap
Pro-Sweet Liquid Feed
Queen Excluder
(Metal, Plastic, Wood)
Rite Cell Foundation
(Plastic Coated)
(4"x7" and 4"x10")
Smoker Fuel
Sting Relief Wipes
Strainer Cloth
Support Pins
Telescoping Cover
Top Cover
Top Feeder Insert with Screen
Uncapping Knife
Uncapping Punch
Uncapping Scratcher
Varroa Trap
Looking for something that is not on the list? Give us a call and one of our staff would be happy to see if we have it in store or check if it's available for order!
Mason Bee Supplies
Wooden Tunnels
Chalet/Lodge with Tunnels
Quicklock Corn Tunnels
Mason Bee Cocoons (seasonally)

We carry a range of bee equipment and supplies for beekeeping, many of which are listed below; give us a call for complete listings, availability, and pricing.